An important equipment indispensable for chest filming vertical bucky stand - Newheek x ray bucky stand professional manufacturer - Newheek x ray bucky stand professional manufacturer
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An important equipment indispensable for chest filming vertical bucky stand

Many hospital dealers call newheek to buy a vertical bucky stand. For most people, the vertical bucky stand is “just what you see, but you don’t know its name”, because you have basically done chest X-rays, but for some people, the word “vertical bucky stand” is rarely understood. Today, let me tell you what the diagnostic equipment we use to check the body is, what functions it has, and what advantages it has.
.If I go out and talk to others about the vertical bucky stand, you definitely don’t know what it is, but after you saw it, it turned out to be this. You only know that the chest X-ray stand can only check the chest, then you are very wrong. , Not only can check the chest, but also can check the head, abdomen, pelvis and other parts. It can be said that all organs of the body can be checked basically, which greatly improves the efficiency.
Some friends who are more curious must ask how to check our body, why can the tall and short ones be tested. This involves the structure of our vertical bucky stand.
The vertical bucky stand is composed of three parts: a bracket, a slide rail, and a cassette. The X-ray image is mainly formed through the cassette in the middle, which is transmitted from the cassette to the computer to form an image. What is the problem of tall and short? The solution is the sliding frame I will talk about below. Through this sliding frame, it can move up and down, and the height problem is solved very well. This vertical bucky stand collection contains all the conceivable problems. You said that there is such a bucky stand hospital, why not do it.
Many distributors and hospitals will also ask, is there any difference between your vertical bucky stand and other medical equipment manufacturers?
First, look at the quality. We produce the best raw materials for the vertical bucky stand. This is a confirmation from many hospitals and distributors. Furthermore, there are many kinds of IP versions in our vertical bucky stand box, and it is still being developed. It can be said that our bucky stand is the most advanced and the quality is the best.
Speaking of this, many friends also understand. Those who want to know more can contact us for detailed consultation.

vertical bucky stand

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