How big the flat panel detector can be in the bucky stand - Newheek x ray bucky stand professional manufacturer - Newheek x ray bucky stand professional manufacturer
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How big the flat panel detector can be in the bucky stand

The bucky stand is a common equipment in the radiology department, which is used to place imaging equipment such as flat panel detector cassettes, so as to facilitate the upright imaging of patients. In recent years, with the change of society, our company has launched a mobile photo frame. The product has been very popular since it was launched, and the orders are extremely popular. During the communication with customers, the most frequently asked question by customers is how large a flat-panel detector can be placed in the movable photographic frame. Today I will answer it.
First, the size of the flat panel detector that can be placed depends on the model of the frame. For example, the mobile film frame with positive output, due to the limitation of the film box, only a 14*17 inch flat panel detector can be placed at most. And our other types of filming racks: side-out film mobile type, DR-specific mobile type, wall-mounted mobile type and cart type can hold flat panel detectors with a maximum size of 17*17 inches. It is worth mentioning that since the DR-specific mobile and wall-mounted mobile clips are open, the width of the flat panel detector that can be placed is unlimited.
We Weifang Newheek Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. is a manufacturer specializing in the production of X-ray machines and their accessories. If you have any questions about this product, you can contact us at +8618953679166!

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