Mobile bucky stand for hospitals - Newheek x ray bucky stand professional manufacturer - Newheek x ray bucky stand professional manufacturer
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Mobile bucky stand for hospitals

Recently, many customers have inquired about our mobile bucky stand. Our mobile bucky stand can be equipped with different sizes of flat panel detectors and grids. The sizes of flat panel detectors are mostly 14×17 and 17×17 inches. For these two sizes of flat panel detectors, we at Newheek have bucky stand with corresponding specifications.
For different customers, the budget is not only the same, so for this situation, we recommend that you use two types of bucky stand, one is a wall-mounted bucky stand, which has a height of 1.5 meters. The width is 0.45 meters, the size itself is not limited, the price is affordable, and it is suitable for customers with insufficient budget.
There is also a DR dedicated bucky stand. This chest frame has better workmanship and stable assembly. It is suitable for all sizes of DR flat panel detectors, CR IP boards and cassettes.
If you want to know more about the mobile bucky stand, please contact us.

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