NKDRSY x ray bucky stand is suitable for 1417 or 1717 flat panel detectors - Newheek x ray bucky stand professional manufacturer - Newheek x ray bucky stand professional manufacturer
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NKDRSY x ray bucky stand is suitable for 1417 or 1717 flat panel detectors

Recently, many customers have inquired about which vertical x ray bucky stand to choose for mobile DR. Let me explain to you how to choose a vertical x ray bucky stand for mobile DR?
As we all know, there are generally two types of flat panel detectors on mobile DRs, one is wired flat panel detectors and the other is wireless flat panel detectors. So in the selection, first ask the hospital whether the flat panel detector is wired or wireless? What is the length and width? What is the thickness of the plate? The common size of the tablet is 14*17, 17*17, and the thickness of the tablet is 1.5CM and 2.5CM. Based on these data, newheek designed two cassette sizes: 14*17 and 17*17, and the thickness of the two card slots: 2CM and 3CM. Choose the type of vertical photo frame for flat plates of different sizes and thicknesses.
x ray bucky stand is suitable for 1417 or 1717 flat panel detectors
There are currently two types of front-loading films for our vertical x ray bucky stand. One is a conventional film box: a style similar to an open door, which can hold a cassette, CR IP board, and wireless flat panel detector. The size of the film box is 14*17. 17*17, based on the existing design, it is worth noting that the thickness of the card slot is only 2CM. In addition, a wire grid can be installed inside the door. Because the wire grid is optional, you need to inquire about the customer’s purchase intention. Regarding the installation method: there are fixed and mobile.
If you want to get the vertical bucky stand, please contact us.service@newheek.com

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