Types of 500ma medical x ray chest stand - Newheek x ray bucky stand professional manufacturer - Newheek x ray bucky stand professional manufacturer
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Types of 500ma medical x ray chest stand

The 500ma medical x ray chest stand is an accessory equipment of the X-ray machine. It is used with the X-ray machine for X-ray medical diagnosis.
The types of 500ma medical x ray chest stand, mobile and suspended.
Fixed 500ma medical x ray chest stand needs to be installed. The 500ma medical x ray chest stand is fixed on the ground by screws. It can not be moved and twisted freely during the use. The mobile 500ma medical x ray chest stand is a 500ma medical x ray chest stand with a mobile device at the bottom. It can move and adjust the position during the use, and it can be used with an X-ray machine. The mobile 500ma medical x ray chest stand is more convenient to move than the fixed 500ma medical x ray chest stand. It can be used in many occasions and in many locations. The operation is simple and convenient.
The suspended 500ma medical x ray chest stand is composed of three parts: bracket, slide rail and casket. It can be used for military, field, disaster relief and other environment or crowd inspection.
 500ma medical x ray chest stand

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