What is the principle of a bucky stand x ray machine for taking pictures?
Why can a bucky stand x ray machine be used for shooting? Next, let’s look at the principle of the bucky stand x ray machine.
On the bucky stand x ray machine, the human body can form an image on the screen or film, which is mainly determined by two aspects: on the one hand, the characteristics of X-ray penetration, fluorescence effect, photographic effect and ionization effect. On the other hand, because of the difference in density and thickness of human tissues, X-rays are absorbed differently when they pass through human tissues, which makes the amount of films or screens different, so different images with different black-white contrast are formed. The density of human tissue structure can be divided into three categories: 1. High density tissue: skeleton and calcification focus. 2. Medium density tissue: cartilage, muscle, nerve, parenchymal organs and fluid in the body. 3. Low density tissue: fat, gas in lung, stomach and other organs. X-ray is absorbed less through low-density tissue, and it reaches the screen or film to participate in the reaction more. Therefore, it presents black image on the screen or film, while it shows white image on the screen or film when it passes through high-density tissue.