What is the side loading rays equipment stand? - Newheek x ray bucky stand professional manufacturer - Newheek x ray bucky stand professional manufacturer
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What is the side loading rays equipment stand?

The side loading rays equipment stand is a rays equipment stand for turning and opening the cassette.
Side Mounted bucky stand facilitate the placement of wired plates, which can be 14 “X17” or 17 “X17” in size.
The side loading rays equipment stand has two kinds of manual rays equipment stand and electric rays equipment stand, and can specially configure the filter grid.
The box lifting mode of the manual rays equipment stand is manual movement. The side of the rays equipment stand has buttons to fix the rays equipment stand. When the box is moved, the box is first moved to the button to loosen the box. After the adjustment, the button is fixed and the box is fixed.
The electric rays equipment stand is an electric device added to the manual rays equipment stand, which uses the electric button instead of the manual one, and presses the button to adjust the lift of the cartridge.
rays equipment stand

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