Bucky stand with grid - Newheek x ray bucky stand professional manufacturer - Newheek x ray bucky stand professional manufacturer
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Bucky stand with grid

When a customer saw the bucky stand advertised by our company on the website, he called for consultation and wanted a bucky stand with a grid. Let us recommend a suitable style.
We first confirm to the customer whether the bucky stand is used with a flat panel detector and what size the flat panel detector is. The customer replied that he is not clear. First recommend it according to the size of 17*17, and then confirm with the hospital tomorrow. We also asked the customer whether the X-ray machine used in the hospital was fixed or mobile. The customer said it was fixed. We recommended the NK17SG side-ejection fixed bucky stand for the customer. As shown in the figure, the bucky stand was sent to the customer. Product video. It is recommended that customers confirm the size and thickness of the flat panel detector, whether it is wired or wireless, the grid density and grid ratio requirements, etc. when they go to the hospital tomorrow, and then we will make accurate recommendations for customers.

vertical bucky stand

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