Customer Inquiry Mobile bucky stand - Newheek x ray bucky stand professional manufacturer - Newheek x ray bucky stand professional manufacturer
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Customer Inquiry Mobile bucky stand

Customers saw the video of our mobile bucky stand on the Newheek promotion platform and called for consultation. The customer said that the hospital uses a 14*17 flat-panel detector and wants us to recommend a mobile bucky stand.
We sent the product color pages of the mobile bucky stand to the customer, and introduced that these models are suitable for 14*17 flat panel detectors, and you can choose from them. The customer asked us to send him the physical pictures of the simple mobile bucky stand and DR dedicated mobile bucky stand. We sent the product video and quoted it to the customer. The customer said to send these two items to the hospital for selection, and then contact them later. The picture of the mobile bucky stand is as follows,

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