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Imaging principle of x ray bucky grid

X ray bucky grid can make the human body on the screen or film to form an image, related to the characteristics of X-ray, and the density of human tissues.
1. X-ray characteristics: penetration, fluorescence effect, photographic effect and ionization effect, and photographic effect is the basis of X-ray imaging.
2. There are differences in the density and thickness of human tissues: when X-ray passes through human tissues, the density and thickness of human tissues are different, the degree of X-ray absorption is different, the amount of X-ray reaching the screen or film is different, so the formation of black-and-white contrast of different images.
The density of human tissue structure can be classified into three types:
(1) high density tissue: bone and calcification.
(2) medium density tissue: cartilage, muscle, nerve, parenchyma and fluid in the body.
(3) low density tissue: fat, gas in the lung, stomach and other organs. X-ray transmits through low-density tissue, absorbed less, to the screen or film to participate in the reaction more, so on the screen or film to present a black image, but through high-density tissue is the opposite, so on the screen or film to appear white image.
Therefore, X ray bucky grid reflect different images according to the density of human tissue.
 x ray bucky grid

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