Suitable chest bucky x-ray for wired flat panel detector - Newheek x ray bucky stand professional manufacturer - Newheek x ray bucky stand professional manufacturer
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Suitable chest bucky x-ray for wired flat panel detector

Recently, a client consulted our company’s product 17 “X17” cable flat panel detector chest bucky x-ray, but did not know the thickness of the flat panel, in this bucky, we recommended our company’s product NKDRSG type chest bucky x-ray and side mounted chest bucky x-ray, the size of these two frames is 17 “X17”, which side mounted chest bucky x-ray. The chip holder can also put the cassette, CR’s IP board and DR and NKDRSG type chest bucky x-ray are mainly used for DR.
The NKDRSG type chest bucky x-ray is a fixed chest bucky x-ray for manual lifting and lifting bucky.
Side mounted chest bucky x-ray is a fixed chest bucky x-ray, the bucky is opened by flipping the lid, the bucky  is lifted manually.
Customers in need can consult business people, and we will provide you with specific parameters of the product.

chest bucky x ray

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