The customer ordered NK17SY bucky stand has been shipped - Newheek x ray bucky stand professional manufacturer - Newheek x ray bucky stand professional manufacturer
HomeBlog›The customer ordered NK17SY bucky stand has been shipped

The customer ordered NK17SY bucky stand has been shipped

The customer ordered Newheek’s NK17SY bucky stand has been shipped
Yesterday, the customer ordered Newheek’s NK17SY bucky stand for delivery. This bucky stand can be equipped with a 17*17 size flat panel detector and a flat panel detector with a thickness of <2cm. Our bucky stand can be pulled out from one side or opened from the front. Product of NK17SY bucky stand

Product of NK17SY bucky stand

Product of NK17SY bucky stand

Product of NK17SY bucky stand

Product of NK17SY bucky stand

Product of NK17SY bucky stand

Packing diagram of NK17SY bucky stand

Packing diagram of NK17SY bucky stand

Packing diagram of NK17SY bucky stand

Packing diagram of NK17SY bucky stand

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