UK customer consulting mobile vertical bucky tray - Newheek x ray bucky stand professional manufacturer - Newheek x ray bucky stand professional manufacturer
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UK customer consulting mobile vertical bucky tray

British customers consulted our mobile vertical bucky tray, and learned that they were consulting a private hospital. Because of the impact of the new crown epidemic, I want to purchase a mobile vertical bucky tray with a flat panel detector to go to the patient’s home for physical examination.
Briefly introduce our mobile vertical bucky tray:
1. Model: NK17SG
2. The purpose of the mobile vertical bucky tray: suitable for radiographic inspection of the head, chest, abdomen, pelvis and other parts of the human body;
3. The function of the mobile vertical bucky tray: this device is composed of a column, a sliding frame, and a film clip, which can be adapted to ordinary X-ray glue of various sizes
Film cassettes, CR IP boards and flat panel detectors with (without) wires;

mobile vertical bucky tray

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