Website Henan Feng Customer Inquiry Chest X-ray Stand - Newheek x ray bucky stand professional manufacturer - Newheek x ray bucky stand professional manufacturer
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Website Henan Feng Customer Inquiry Chest X-ray Stand

Website Henan Feng customers inquire about bucky stands, which are used in township health centers. Wechat recommends several models, and the information has been sent. You need to confirm the parameters and models with the hospital.
bucky stands Application: It is suitable for taking X-ray examinations of the head, chest, abdomen, pelvic cavity and other parts of the human body
bucky stands function: This device is composed of a column, a trolley frame, a film box (a film trolley that can be pulled out from the box), a balance device, etc., and can be adapted to cassettes of ordinary X-ray films of different sizes, and IP of CR. plate and DR flat panel detector use
If you have other needs for bucky stands, please contact us by phone (whatsapp): +8618953679166!

X-ray bucky stand

(+86) 18953679166