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The US-China Economic and Security Review Committee of the US Congress discussed the impact of the “China Model” at the end of last month. They believe that China is trying to modify the existing international regulatory agencies, norms and values.

The national industrial and technological development strategy formulated by China has always attracted attention from the outside world. The industrial upgrade plan of “Made in China 2025” has become the focus of the dispute between the two countries in the trade war. Recently, Beijing has stepped up the development of the “China Standard 2035” technology standard plan, which has also caused alarm in the United States.

The “Chinese Standard 2035”, which aims to set global standards for future technology, is described as an upgraded version of “Made in China 2025”, which shows China’s development ambitions in many fields of science and technology such as artificial intelligence, communication networks and data circulation.

CNBC reports that China launched the “Made in China 2025” plan in 2015, aiming to gain global dominance in high-tech manufacturing. The report also said that in 2017 China announced its plan to achieve world leadership in the field of artificial intelligence by 2030.

The report quoted Frank A. Rose, a security strategy expert at the Brookings Institution ’s Foreign Policy Program, as saying, “The US-China competition is basically about who controls the global information technology infrastructure and standards.”

It is reported that the “Chinese Standard 2035” blueprint has extensive influence through the formulation of technical details and rules, and the specification of daily application technologies such as mobile networks, which can enable Beijing to exert influence in many technical fields around the world.
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